Hey there!
I am so glad you stopped by. I hope you stay awhile, feel encouraged, and find community here. Here is a place for storytellers, and spoiler alert, we are ALL storytellers. So, everyone is welcome.
Can I Tell You Something Stories comes from my years spent teaching first grade. Early on, I began to notice how many times a day students would ask me, "Mrs. Scheffer, can I tell you something?" And the stories that followed were gems. I got the privilege to hear about vampires, seasonal allergies, a dog named Beef Stew, eating sub sandwiches on the couch (don't tell his mom!), and how to make money snowblowing...just to name a few.
The heartbeat behind Can I Tell You Something Stories is simple - finding the joy in reading stories, writing stories, and sharing stories. I am here to help. You'll notice I've written some stories, and I am energized by reading and writing instruction that connects at the human-level.
Oh, and one more thing. Can I tell you something? When I was in elementary school, I wished for an overhead projector for Christmas. The best news - I got it! No, really. I did! That's a story I'd love to tell you. Let's connect!